
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tips for Dandruff Treatment

One of the most annoying hair problems is the presence of dandruff. This ‘flaky’ problem makes someone feel uncomfortable throughout the day. One main thing about having dandruff is how the person avoids wearing black shirts to avoid public embarrassment from falling dandruff.
Causes of Dandruff
Having excessive dandruff can be particularly embarrassing for some people, especially when flakes gather on shoulders of shirts or when flakes come out like a snowstorm when combing your hair.
Excessive dandruff isn’t something that typically goes away after the teen years either. A person can get dandruff as an infant or as a senior and it is not something people tend to grow out of.
Dandruff has many different causes. In some cases, dandruff may be caused by dry skin, which often leads to small and dry flakes. However, it can also be caused by seborrheic dermatitis, which is characterized by red, greasy skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales.
Dermatitis can be caused by fungal or even bacterial infection on the scalp, which can be spread by sharing towels, hair brushes, and combs.
Dirty scalp also contributes to dandruff buildup. If the hair and scalp is not regularly washed, oil and dead skin tissue tends to collect.
Stress and poor diet can also affect the development of dandruff, which can warn people that they may not be eating properly and that they may need to reduce the stress in their lives.
Although there are many causes of dandruff, there are some reliable solutions that can help control dandruff. Keep an eye out for products containing Zinc Pyrithione, Climbazole, Octopirox and Ketoconazole.

Tips to Effective Dandruff Treatment
The process to getting rid of dandruff requires patience for successful implementation. The following are effective tips to get rid of the ‘flaky’ problem:
Use an anti-dandruff shampoo. If dandruff is caused by an excess in oil then washing the hair everyday with an anti-dandruff shampoo is the best course to take. However, it is important to note that too much washing can also cause dryness which aggravates the condition. For an effective shampooing technique, later the hair twice and leave the shampoo for 5 minutes in the second wash to allow full scalp penetration. After the flakes are successfully removed, regular shampooing technique is cut back by two or three times weekly.
Shampoo switching should be done if more control is necessary. About three shampoos should be switched in this case. The technique is performed by using one kind of shampoo in a month then switching to the next one to prevent the scalp from becoming too acclimated to any product. There are several anti-dandruff shampoos available in the market today. However, it is important to note that different shampoos combat different hair problem.
  • Head and Shoulders are zinc pyrithione shampoos used to decrease the number of fungus and bacteria.
  • Denorex, a salicyclic acid shampoo, which is effective in ‘scrubbing’ the scalp.
  • Selsun Blue, contains selenium sulfide, use to treat fungus and slows down their growth in the scalp.
Don’t use hot water when taking a bath. Hot water strips out natural oil that prevents skin dryness. People usually take hot showers early in the day. To relieve the flaking problem, it is best to use lukewarm water when bathing and rinsing with a cool water to close the pores.
Hair styling products should be used in moderation. These items increase oil buildup in the hair that may cause dandruff.